Housing What type of accommodation do you live in? Is there anything about it that you would like to change
Queridos padres: A partir de este momento empezamos a preparar a nuestros alumnos más pequeños para los niveles infantiles de
El lunes 24 y el martes 25 de febrero la academia estará cerrada por Carnavales, el resto de la semana
Success and failure 1. What would you consider to be your greatest achievement? 2. What is success? Define it. 3.
CULTURE -What are some things that define a culture? (For example, music, language...) -When people from other countries think about
TV – Series What kind of TV series do you like to watch? Which is your favourite? What do you
Give off - produce a smell or heat The house gave off a musty smell so we opened the windows.
Chicken out of: Not do something that you were going to do because of fear. Sam was going to try
Break into: Enter a building or car by using force, in order to steal something Someone broke into my car
Off the hook Meaning: Free from blame or responsibility to do something Example: I've said finish the project tonight, so