Where do most people in your country get their news? Where do you get your news from? Do you think
Abrimos el 30 de abril y 3 de mayo   Queridos padres y alumnos: Os enviamos este mensaje para aclararos
Science and Technology How can science help society? Does it hurt society in any way? What are the possibilities of
Travel Where are the best places to go for adventure vacations, history-based vacations, shopping vacations, party vacations, or relaxing vacations?
Vacaciones Semana Santa 2021 Queridos padres y alumnos: Os enviamos este mensaje para recordaros que los próximos días 1 y
Transitions What are the biggest transitions in an average person’s life? What stage of life were you most happy to
Music Who are your favorite bands or artists? How often and when do you listen to music? Is there a
To accuse the wrong person of something.
Phrasal verbs 15 March 21   1 Give away                 a) to manage to live or succeed 2 Put sth away            
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